
发表时间:2024-09-20 03:33:50
本文摘要:Tian Yuan Yuan is Chinas top Internet model, a title she earned by promoting products from skin-tight leggings to rabbit fur bags through online shopping site Taobao Marketplace.田媛媛是中国第一网络名模。

Tian Yuan Yuan is Chinas top Internet model, a title she earned by promoting products from skin-tight leggings to rabbit fur bags through online shopping site Taobao Marketplace.田媛媛是中国第一网络名模。她在淘宝上为商家推展从短裙打底裤到兔毛手袋等商品,从而取得了这一称谓。Tian is one of 35,000 models who pose for virtual storefronts on Alibaba Groups Taobao.田媛媛是3.5万名为阿里巴巴集团旗下的淘宝网店工作的模特儿之一。With little to differentiate between more than 6 million electronic storefronts, models like Tian have become the main attraction. Taobao ranks the girls based on sales of the products they pitch, as well as their popularity among vendors and fans who can vote on the website. Sellers can then make an online booking to hire a girl to pose with their product.淘宝逾600万家网店完全大同小异,所以像田媛媛这样的模特儿大自然沦为主要卖点。


A good model is important for sales, said 22-year-old Tian. Both your facial expression and body language should match the style of clothing. For example, I will move and pose gently with office dresses, while I act cool in American style clothes.22岁的田媛媛回应:“好模特儿对于提升销量很最重要。你的面部表情和肢体语言都应当与衣服款式配上。比如,如果穿着的是职业装,我的动作和造型都会十分高雅,而如果换回做到是一身美式服装,我就要展现出得酷劲十足。

”The leggings she modelled sold some 14,000 units in a single month. She also helped shift more than 6,000 rabbit fur bags.经她推展的打底裤月销量超过大约1.4万条。她还协助商家售出了6,000多个兔毛手袋。The models can make as much as 10,000 yuan a day, a far cry from the five-figure payouts top supermodels bank for a photo shoot, but a healthy sum considering average per capita full-year income for urban Chinese was just 21,810 yuan in 2011.这些网模一天的收益可高约一万,虽然跟日进斗金的超级名模没法儿比,但比起普通民众的人均年收入,这一数字早已十分相当可观了。2011年,中国城镇居民人均年收入仅有为2.18万元。

Alibaba is not alone in offering logistical support to small online businesses. EBay Inc, for example, owns online payment service PayPal that helps small vendors accept credit card payments. But Alibabas models-for-hire service is unusual in that it does back-end jobs such as photography as well as being a platform that supplies the models themselves.阿里巴巴并非是唯一一家向电子商家获取后勤反对的平台。比如,易趣享有在线缴纳服务贝宝(PayPal),这项服务使得小商户可以拒绝接受信用卡缴纳。

但像阿里巴巴这种获取待聘模特儿的服务不过于少见,因为它不仅获取照片之类的后台工作,也是一个获取模特儿的平台。A Taobao store owner can use the free platform to search for models by price or look, or even by specific body part such as hands or legs. Models classified as Japanese or Korean tend to look younger while European and American models have more Caucasian features.淘宝店主可利用这个免费平台,根据模特儿的价格或外形,甚至是手或腿等身体的特定部分,找寻适当的模特儿。

“日韩系由”模特儿往往较为年长,而“欧美系由”模特儿则不具备更好的白人特征。I used to rely on models provided by modelling agencies but because each agency has only a limited number of models, it couldnt meet my business needs, said Huang Shanlei, who sells lingerie on Taobao Mall.出售女式内衣的淘宝店店主黄珊蕾(音)说道:“我过去靠的是模特儿经纪公司讲解模特儿,但由于每家公司的模特儿数量受限,无法符合我的业务市场需求。”Working the office lady look“职业女性”范儿Working with Taobao models was easier because most of them were free agents with fewer restrictions on the types of assignments they could accept or on how the photographs from a shoot could be used, Huang said.黄珊蕾回应,与淘宝模特儿们的合作比较更容易,因为她们中的大多数都是权利从业者,有关她们参演任务的类型以及所摄制照片用途的容许较较少。

Model Li Qiqi poses for different stores back to back on most days, sometimes in more than 200 outfits a day. With big doll eyes, she describes her look as Korean office lady.模特儿李琦琦(音译)大多数日子都会倒数为有所不同店铺照片,有时一天必须试穿200多套衣服。宽着一双洋娃娃般大眼睛的她称之为自己的外形像“韩国职业女性”。If you model on Taobao, you focus on the specialties of the outfit and the features of the outfit. You make sure you dont block it when posing, said 24-year-old Li, a Shanghai native.作为土生土长的上海人,24岁的李琦琦说道:“做到淘宝网模,你必须留意服装的特色。要保证你在摄制时会喧宾夺主。

